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Visitor’s Information

Opening Hours

09:00 ~ 18:00(last admission : 17:30)

※ We are extending the operating hours on Fridays from 18:00 to 22:00


1st January, Every Monday

Admission Fee



114 spaces available (including two spaces for large vehicles) Access hours : 08:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Parking fees

Parking fees(Assortment, Vehicles for under 20 people, November ~ February)
Assortment Vehicles for under 20 people Vehicles for over 20 people
Up to one hour KRW 1,000 KRW 3,000
Per every 5 minutes after an hour KRW 400 KRW 800
Daily parking(to be prepaid) KRW 22,000 / day KRW 44,000 / day
Disabled persons, men of national merit
80% of parking fee  
Compact cars, low-pollution vehicles
50% of parking fee  

※ 2018.6.19(Tue) ~

Fare exemption

Emergency-purpose vehicles under the Road Traffic Act; vehicles doing business related to the museum; vehicles for diplomats; official vehicles; vehicles used for a special event held at the museum; vehicles staying for less than 10 minutes

  • Details like vehicle arrival/departure times are recorded by automatic devices. No separate parking receipt is issued.
  • We shall not be responsible for any of the following: theft of a vehicle, theft of articles left in a vehicle or damage to a vehicle within the parking lot.
  • Please use public transport when visiting the museum if possible.

Using the facilities

  • Small meals can be purchased at the cafeteria inside the museum.
  • Souvenirs and cultural objects can be purchased in the Museum Shop on the first floor.
  • Bags and other packages should be stored in the storage lockers on the first floor.
  • Baby strollers for infants and wheelchairs for the elderly are available for use (13 baby strollers, 12 wheelchairs).

Exhibition guide

Permanent exhibition halls

  • Audio Guide : available in 3 languages(English, Japanese, Chinese)
  • Guided Tours : Available in English Inquiry via
                                     click here to download the reservation form